All products Foam Rollers


Excellent in relieving muscles’ tensions, accelerating muscles’ recovery processes, improving mobility and circulation, STK Contour handheld massage roller is the only flexible handheld massage roller in TriggerPoint STK series. Innovative designs include flexible hourglass design (unique to this model only), contour technology, patented foam surface and slim ergonomic handles, offering users-controlled pressure for self-massage therapy, easing problemed muscles. Ideal for individuals post workout.
Size :
6.4 cm (diameter) X 50 cm (length) X 0.34 kg (weight)
Code: stk-contour

Price: HKD$0.00

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Options :

Code: STK-Contour-I8G

Color: Orange

Specification: 6.4 cm (diameter) X 50 cm (length) X 0.34 kg (weight)



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Options :
Suitable and ideal for
  • Individual after workout
  • To be used at home, indoors or on-the-go


STK Contour handheld massage roller uses innovative designs, offering solutions to problemed muscles.

Hourglass design is unique, wraps and compresses muscles while rolling, relieving soreness and pains, speeding up recovery. Engineered by contour technology, the contour shaped foam spindles individually, rolling across muscles without pinching, releasing muscles tightness, improving circulation and mobility. Signature EVA foam is firm and more comfortable than traditional foams, efficient in addressing aches and pains.

These distinct features facilitate user-controlled pressure in self-massage therapy, reducing muscles aches and pains, increasing circulation for muscles’ quick recovery post workout.

Ideal for upper and lower body including hamstrings, quads, tib anterior and traps. To be used while standing or seated.
TriggerPoint STK Contour