Foam Rollers Foam Rollers


Perfect for experienced and pains sensitive foam roller users’ immediate use after physical activities. CHARGE Vibe is the vibrating foam roller in the CHARGE series, offering restorative treatments, enhancing recoveries, making users feel refreshed in a comfortable setting. Innovative designs include elevated and opposing curves that replicate effective massage therapy techniques and the application of vibration technology.
Size :
18 cm (height) x 10 cm (diameter) x 0.91 kg (weight)
Code: charge-vibe

Price: HKD$0.00

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Options :

Code: CHARGE-Vibe-2cJ

Weight: 0.91 kg

Color: Light blue

Specification: 18 cm (height) x 10 cm (diameter) x 0.91 kg (weight)



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Suitable and ideal for
  • Experienced athletes, coaches, trainers and fitness enthusiasts immediate use after physical activities
  • Experienced athletes, coaches, trainers and fitness enthusiasts who are sensitive to pains
  • To be used in gym or indoors


CHARGE Vibe is the vibrating foam roller in the CHARGE series. Designed with elevated and opposing curves: high and narrow that squeeze muscles, low and flat that compress muscles, and high and wide that stretch muscles. Rhythmic squeeze and stretch motions combining with the pressure of the body weight when applying onto the multi-density patented CHARGE pattern enhance the transfer of blood and oxygen needed to hard-to-reach fatigue muscles, helping to accelerate post workout recovery. The three frequencies vibration helps relaxing sore and stiff muscles, speeding up recovery process. The hard and hollow core provides added durability, ideal for repeated use. CHARGE Vibe is compact and comes with an AC charging cord, a rechargeable battery that holds up to 2 hours of power in cordless mode.
TriggerPoint CHARGE Vibe