Foam Rollers Foam Rollers
What is foam rolling?

TriggerPoint foam rollers are designed to replicate the feeling of a massage therapist’s hands to target and relieve tired muscles. Lightweight, portable, and compact, TriggerPoint rollers can be used wherever you go – at home, at the gym, or on-the-go. Our collection of foam rollers offer a full progression of self-care options based on your comfort level, rolling experience, and physical needs.

What is foam rolling?

Foam rolling is an important part of caring for your body to achieve better movement. All the muscles in the body are connected by fascia, which surrounds the tissues, nerves, organs, and all other structures in the body. But fascia can become unhealthy by overuse, injury, or even by everyday repetitive movement. Foam rolling serves to keep fascia healthy by circulating fresh, oxygenated blood through it.

Foam rolling can help you to recover faster from workout sessions or injuries, improve your flexibility, reduce back pain from long periods of sitting, and more. It's a great self-massage tool that helps you look after your body and move better.

Where to buy

How does foam rolling work?

How do I roll?

One minute is better than none. Simply taking the time to address one area for one minute will improve your movement and is better than not rolling at all.

Two zones. When selecting a muscle to roll, divide the area into two zones. Apply techniques to each zone slowly while remembering to breathe.

Three motions for quick results. The three general techniques are rolling, spans and stretching.

Remember, foam rolling is not "causing" the pain, foam rolling is "removing" the pain.

Watch the videos below for techniques on how to get the most results from your TriggerPoint foam roller

How do I roll?

Featured Product

Introducing the GRID Foam Roller

Excellent in managing aches, pains and helps in the improvement of mobility. Recommended by sports doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists, GRID foam roller is the best seller in the TriggerPoint foam roller range. Ideal for fitness enthusiasts with muscles problems or who prefer better mobility.

Learn More

Signature GRID Signature GRID Signature GRID Signature GRID
  • Signature GRID© pattern which replicates the feeling of a massage therapist's hand
  • Patented multi-density pattern channels blood and oxygen through the tissue to help relieve muscles
  • Hollow core wrapped in multi-density foam to deliver firm compression

Watch our videos below to see how to make the most of your TriggerPoint foam rollers.

  How-To Videos


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Pain Points

Price: HKD$0.00

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Excellent in restorative treatments for intense aches and pains including toughest troubled spots of the body. Recommended by sports doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists, GRID X is ideal for fitness enthusiasts with serious muscles problems or anyone preferring extra firm compression. GRID X is twice as firm as the GRID, making it an ideal foam roller in tackling difficult-to-break dense muscles tissue, a unique offer in the market.

Price: HKD$0.00

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Excellent in managing aches and pains at large areas of the body and helps improving mobility. The GRID 2.0 foam roller is twice the height of GRID foam roller, making it an ideal roller for fitness enthusiasts with group muscles problems and new players to foam roller activities due to its big and stable surface. Recommended by sports doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists, the GRID 2.0 foam roller uses innovative designs features that help targeting muscles groups effectively, making the self-massage function enjoyable.

Price: HKD$0.00

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Excellent in managing muscles tension, this revolutionary designed CORE roller is the only hard foam roller in the TriggerPoint roller family, the only one in the market using GRID pattern technology. Ideal for new comers to foam rolling activities and fitness enthusiasts preferring a moderate compression. CORE Roller’s revolutionary designs include high-density EVA foam and GRID pattern technology, both unique to this hard (solid) roller, making the self-massage function enjoyable. Available in three lengths for use at different occasions.

Shop our full range of foam rollers through our trusted partners. It's time to get rolling!

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